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Employee Education - Coast and Ocean

Employee Education and
Financial Planning

Providing the necessary tools for retirement savings


Your employees need to be educated on saving for retirement, learn about investing and be offered basic financial management. WE CAN HELP! We help employers provide financial guidance to their employees. Aside from potentially increased productivity and less absenteeism, this kind of benefit can build goodwill that can not only attract new employees, but help retain workers as well. For employees struggling with personal finance stresses, this help is much appreciated.


"The question isn't at what age I want to retire, it's at what income."

- George Foreman

We will create a Retirement Savings Analysis for each of your employees! 
Steps to creating your plan and getting results

Our Retirement Savings Analysis is designed to put your participants in control of their financial future. Along with our financial advisors, they will work together to visualize their future and develop a plan that will help them reach their goals.

The planning process starts with a question: “What does your ideal retirement look like?” We help participants think through how much they’ll need to retire comfortably, even allowing them to dream a little. Together, we think through how much they will need for normal living expenses, along with how much they would like to spend on things such as travel, charity, home improvements and more.

First, we pre-fill your participant’s retirement savings analysis with the information that we know from running the plan and run some “what if” scenarios. Then, we sit down one on one with any participants who would like to customize this plan.

Your participants will get a better understanding of their overall financial picture with the ability to view their income and assets — the foundation of their plan and the key to achieving their goals — in one place. Navigating complex resources such as Social Security is made easier with tools like the Social Security Analysis.

Helping participants understand how markets work and their comfort with taking risk is the key to a successful plan. Our advisors can help participants understand their tolerance for risk, explain market cycles and help them identify scenarios that might cause them to rethink their long-term investment strategy.

The main goal of their plan is to get them into the “confidence zone” or “green zone,” — the optimal financial position for achieving their goals — and work to keep them there over time. Using interactive features like Orion Planning
, they can instantly see how changes, small or large, impact the success of their plan and stress-test their choices to help them feel confident that, even through changes, they‘ll stay on track.

Once we have worked together to create their plan, we periodically check their progress to make sure that they’re on track to meet their goals and enjoy the retirement they’ve worked hard to build.


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