A pile of coins including a penny and a quarter are stacked on top of each other.

Early Investing

The significance of early investing is clear. The earlier you begin saving, the better positioned you will be to achieve your financial goals. In this workshop, we will cover the fundamentals of investing, the various types of investments available, and steps to initiate your investment journey. By participating in this workshop, you will enhance your confidence in your financial potential and gain a greater understanding of the answers to the below questions.

What is Early Investing?

  • While retirement may seem like a distant goal, early investing is crucial for accelerating the growth of your nest egg. This strategy is essential for achieving your future financial objectives.
  • By starting to invest early, you can take advantage of compound interest and market growth, ultimately enhancing your financial security in retirement.

Enlightening statistics on the importance of early investing:

Historically, the stock market has averaged annual returns of about 7-10%. Research consistently shows that remaining invested for the long term is generally more effective than trying to time the market.

According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), individuals who start saving for retirement in their 20s can accumulate nearly four times more by retirement age than those who begin in their 40s.

55% of millennials wish they had started investing earlier, reflecting an increasing awareness of the importance of early investing.

How can you benefit from investing early?

  • It makes your money work for you
  • Protects the value of your money
  • Takes advantage of the power of compounding

What specifically will be covered in this course?

  • Why investing is important
  • What can you invest in
  • The emotional roller-coaster of investing
  • How to allocate your funds

Ibbotson Associates, "Stocks, Bonds, Bills, and Inflation (SBBI) Yearbook." Book

EBRI, "Retirement Security Projection Model." https://www.ebri.org/retirement/retirement-securityprojection-model

Fidelity Investments, "Millennial Investing Study." https://sponsor.fidelity.com/pspublic/pca/psw/public/library/engageemployees/generations.html

To attend this informative workshop, please RSVP by click on one of the dates below. We look forward to seeing you there!

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